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Man of Letters

Published on Tue 17 May 2022 at 00:00

Congratulations to Grandey’s Place resident, Wayne Hart, who has seen the memorial stone he created for the celebrated actor, Sir John Gielgud, unveiled at Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey.

Wayne, who is a Letter Carver, Typographer, Sculptor and QEST Scholar, carved the memorial from a block of Purbeck blue marble and his design was inspired by the actor's own distinctive signature.

Sir Ian McKellen and Dame Judi Dench were among those present at the dedication ceremony, conducted by the Dean of Westminster the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle. 

It is the second memorial Wayne has created for the Abbey. He also carved the memorial stone for C S Lewis, which was dedicated in 2013.  

Wayne’s success was featured on BBC London television news on the day of the dedication ceremony, in national news publications and across the East Anglian press. 

Westminster Abbey link HERE

The full story behind the making of the stone can be read in newspaper coverage HERE